Bri, I know you are in heaven and rejoicing everyday! I go through each day as if everything is fine, but the truth is I miss you everyday! I put flowers in your little garden behind the house and always tell you I love you, but the other day I just looked for a long time at the cross with your name on it and realized just how much I truly miss you!! How I wish I could say your name and you would be here to answer. The truth is I can’t dwell on how much I miss you because it is like sticking a knife in my heart! You wouldn’t believe how many girls are named Brianna now, but you were the only one for a long time! I won’t ever get over missing you! But I know each passing day brings us closer to a joyous reunion! Mamma loves you and misses you bunches! Always
19th December 2023
I love you sweet girl and miss you. I know that you and our Steph are in a much better place, but gosh I would love to
be able to talk to you both and get a big hug from each of you. Our families have never been the same since you girls are no longer here. It will never get any easier and I just don't think we'll ever truly understand why things happen the way they do.
You are in my thoughts always.
Trish Postalwait
10th February 2024
I love you and miss you beautiful girl!! Sometimes life seems totally unfair! I would love
to go back to simpler times when all of you guys were little and just keep you there.
Trish P.
3rd February 2023