Created by Bill 17 years ago
It's been said that every true story ends in death...well, this is a true story. It is a story of a little brown-eyed girl who touched the lives of many.
I know of the story quite well. I am her father.
Brianna Nicole Hutchinson was born on July 15, 1986 at Camden Clark Hospital in Parkersburg, West Virginia. She was the middle of three daughters born to Bill & Sue Hutchinson.
From an early age, we learned about the little quirks that Brianna had. Her socks, sleeves, shirt, dress or anthing else had to be even or else it would not be worn. It would take her extra time to do her homework because it had to be perfect in appearance and in answer. She didn't like the feel of newspapers but would help her grandfather skin animals. She wouldn't ever touch anyone's feet or let anyone touch hers. Even when I had a temporary back problem, I asked Brianna to put on my socks. Brianna said, "Oh, Daddy, I just can't". She loved me with all her heart, but she had her phobias. With her pursuit of "perfection" and her "phobias", we would call her "Monk".
Bri liked to collect glass clowns and she had dozens of them. Each one looked different and she named each one of them and she never forgot their name. And they had to be kept on the shelf in a certain order or all would not be well in the Hutchinson household.
Brianna was the type of a person who would help anyone. I later learned that she would give up part of her paycheck to help neighbors or friends to buy diapers or food. She was a "giver" but never expected a single thing in return.
I find some comfort that even in death, she was able to continue to give by being an organ donor. Four different individuals received five of her organs and their lives have been enhanced because of her giving attitude.
I know that some certificate in a file cabinet speaks of her death, but I choose to remember her life. I remember a loving daughter who loved life, who would fight to the end if someone was talking about "her sisters", and an individual who like us all...had her good days and those other days. Brianna was gone before we were ready for her to leave, but I guess God needed her more up in Heaven than we did on Earth.
To those who are visiting this site...Brianna wouldn't go to bed or leave to go out without telling us "I love you". I am asking you to treat your loved ones the same...tell them that you love them. You never know, it may be the last time that you see them and the survivor will always remember those "last words".
Please feel free to visit anywhere on this site and make any thoughts or comments to Brianna or her family.
Bill Hutchinson
"Bri's Dad"